The World’s Largest Shattered Aquarium

The World’s Largest Shattered Aquarium

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler talk about spinach hallucinations, mosquitoes mutations, EU deforestation, rusting waterways, dead pool levels, J. Robert Oppenheimer, influential dimwits, hydrogel, the new state of San Bernardino, urine-adjacent aroma, unvaccinated drivers, the California Psychedelic Mental Health Bill, lead and cadmium in your dark chocolate, seeing your future in your smartphone, and so on.

Laboratory Sun

Laboratory Sun

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler talk about the vagina on a chip, snake clitorises, P-22, Firmageddon, a regional drought emergency, stopping oil and gas projects, a fusion first, the cancer vaccine, the Surface Water and Ocean Topography satellite, the Mississippi River supply chain, the last 747, the Erie Basin Auto Pound, Thomas Pynchon, the oldest narrative scene on record, and so on.

The Armadillo Fountain of Youth

The Armadillo Fountain of Youth

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler talk about circling disease,  longer-lived honey bees, ecological pawprints, mega-constellations, better space weather alerts, the nuclear bomb used-parts superstore, bad stick, RIP Medical Debt, a new “roaring 20s” age of decadence, Bob Dylan Scam Culture, headbanger rats, splashless urinals, and so on.

Cows on Cannabis

Cows on Cannabis

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler talk about Push Button Phone Day, parking lot solar panels, Coca-Cola COP27, La Brea Tar Pits, the UC Strike, the twerps who ruined student loan forgiveness for everybody, Larry David’s FTX, Luckey’s killer headset, Full Self-Driving, the crotch air-bag, ancient truth, and so on.

The Narco Museum

The Narco Museum

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler talk about crow recursion, the gloomy octopus, detachable penises, pig empathy, nighttime hula dances, the wood-wide-web, edible drones, 6 billion gallons of water, the red baby ripple, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Chuckwalla National Monument, rare pink auroras, Kristallnacht cheesy chicken, Canaanite lice, the “world’s dirtiest man”, toxic masculinity, and so on.

Mercenary Generals

Mercenary Generals

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler talk about alligator lizards, taxing cow burps, the bird flu outbreak, snow crabs, a Sisyphean trap, offshore wind energy on the West Coast, backup batteries on wheels, the Kroger-Albertsons monopoly, student loan debt relief, keeping Daylight Savings, Idaho drag, ghostguns, Republican public masturbation, playoff baseball, making America more “sex positive,” and so on.