SoCal Byte

audio essays

A Survey on the Changing American Mind

Hi. My name is Nathan. I’m from the National Speculative Institute and we’re currently conducting a survey aggregating the views of people like you. The survey will only take about five minutes and your participation will be greatly appreciated.  Let me began by asking (on a scale of 1 -10, ten being more than 1) how often do you change your mind?  OK. Are you sure? Using the same scale,…

The Enlightened Phlebotomist

Every year, my personal physician wants to drain blood out of me for testing.  I oblige and the results, so far, have been excellent.  On the other hand, my visit to the phlebotomist — the one who draws my blood — makes me ill at ease.  Since I’ve never been a diabetic or a junkie, jelly popping needles into my blood vessels isn’t something I’m comfortable with.  It’s not that…

The Patron Saint of Obscenity

The other day, my cousin Wayne — who, by his own admission, is a very religious man — told me I’d go to hell because of the language I use. He was half serious and half right. I do use language that could get me in trouble. Let me explain. The podcast broadcast you’re listening to is designated as “explicit” on iTunes. One definition for the word “explicit” is “precisely…