Monthly Archives June 2022

A Survey on the Changing American Mind

Hi. My name is Nathan. I’m from the National Speculative Institute and we’re currently conducting a survey aggregating the views of people like you. The survey will only take about five minutes and your participation will be greatly appreciated.  Let me began by asking (on a scale of 1 -10, ten being more than 1) how often do you change your mind?  OK. Are you sure? Using the same scale,…

A Stroller Full of Ammunition

A Stroller Full of Ammunition

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler talk about success, luck, unintended vasectomies, scammer personas, sucking up all the energy from the Sun, the Corvid Palace, the independent nation of Texas, Canadian plastics, the Kitt Peak National Observatory, origami robots, Herschel Walker, surfer scholarships, firewalking, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog’s arrest, and so on.

Serotonin Day

Are you violently happy, sad, irritable, restless, ecstatic, horny, hyperactive or just not sure? Of course, you are. We live on a bipolar planet and on June 21st it will be at maximum bipolarity. What’s been called the Summer Solstice, should be known as Serotonin Day. Serotonin Day happens twice every year. The day our North Pole rocks to its farthest point toward the sun and the day it rolls…

Talking Trash Cans

Talking Trash Cans

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler talk about the popcorn shortage, catnip, phylogenetic trees, the Mr. Trash Wheel Family, how a U.S. single-payer health care would have saved 338,000 lives from COVID-19, the Colorado River system, the Yellowstone National Park flood, a trans-continental aquifer system, microplastics in fresh Antarctic snow, PlookGanja, cow burps, and so on.

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler talk about the James Webb Space Telescope Micrometeoroid Collision, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta watershed, South Coast hydrologic region water-hogs,  hot schools, planet-warming carbon dioxide, Social Security success, rectal cancer, Covid-sniffing dogs, the vast international horse trafficking network, the Taser drone, protecting kids from drag shows and other inappropriate displays, the human meatball, and then some.