Monthly Archives July 2023

Gearing Up

During a game of chess near the end of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Miranda, the fourteen-year-old daughter of Prospero, envisions drunken sailors staggering off the wreckage of a ship. Miranda — a cultural critic with an Orwellian bent, comments, “O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world! That has such people in’t!”

What is Happening in Our Skies?

What is Happening in Our Skies?

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler the Fake News Dog talk about out-of-body experiences, a vegan planet, ticks, Lake Tahoe microplastics, toilet to tap, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Hubris syndrome, turning cancer against itself, self-healing metal, We Agnostics, unidentified aerial phenomena, the Los Angeles Thread Millipede, pickleball Gandhi, and so on.

Damned Fools

Damned Fools

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler the Fake News Dog talk about mammals eating dinosaurs, test monkeys, CRISPR poplar trees, hot oceans, the Saudi Arabia Arizona Alfalfa Corporation, Algal Greenland, the politicization of the weather, drinking water forever chemicals, repulsive taste, toxic flame retardant in human breast milk, child firearm mortality rates, the U.S. Cyber Trust Mark, Dark Stars, Alzheimer’s in Southern California, union-busting, Union Beer, and so…

The Billionaires’ Club

The Billionaires’ Club

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler the Fake News Dog talk about unicorn meat, bird anti-bird spikes, a salmon’s sense of smell, methane-spewing holes, the Blackfeet Nation bison, Arkstorm, Farmers Insurance, solar geoengineering, superheroic white paint, over-the-counter birth control, the “thousand year veto,” cartooning industry shock waves, the lawful “thumbs-up” emoji, the richest 500 people on earth, the Week of Cone, sex at Wimbleton, and so on.

Rolling a Joint

Rolling a Joint

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler the Fake News Dog talk about the Orca Uprising, PFAS v pets, The Return of Tulare Lake, clear-air turbulence, the slo-mo universe, AI pollution, solar maximum, social media disinformation, Euclid, Africa’s split, Diego Rivera, postmortem sperm retrieval, smartwatching Parkinson’s, psychedelics, and so on.