Monthly Archives February 2024

The Wrath of a Holy God

The Wrath of a Holy God

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler the Deep Fake News Dog talk about artificial intelligence-driven hiring platforms, the end of all things, the truth about Luddites, Exodus, Locust, nonnative earthworms, SoCal coastal radioactive waste, Sponge City, The Election Outcome Pledge, preregistration at 16, student loan forgiveness, spies in the skies, J0529-4351, Alzheimer’s Stage 1, a chalk, a spark, a line, and so on.

Deaf Republicans

Deaf Republicans

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler the Deep Fake News Dog talk about applied logic, poop on Everest, polluting fragrances, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, single-use plastic bags, the desecration of historical memory, the leading source of goods imported by the United States, the right to disconnect, women umpires, Waymo fires, a hidden ocean, compassionate cannibalism, nosepickers, trash compactors, and so on.

Yesterday’s Camel

Yesterday’s Camel

On this week’s episode, Nathan, Mike, and Mahler the Deep Fake News Dog talk about cussing parrots, wind turbine installation vessels, the Right to Mine law, high-risk A.I. systems, veterinary cannabis, stoned empathy, Russia’s accidental bombings, Takata air bags, Martian gridlock, public tippling, no parking zones, Dorothy’s ruby slippers, and so on.